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Timeline Project

A timeline project is one effective way of teaching history on the part of the teacher and learning history on the part of the students. This project will develop research skills on the part of the student. Also, they will be familiarized with the vast resources they have from the library to the internet. In this project, the students will get to choose their topic from the list. Thus, it has more flexibility and the students may exercise the power to decide which topic he or she is interested with.

In this particular project, the students will construct a timeline demonstrating at least ten important events related to the theme that he or she has selected. The events should have logical purpose for being selected and grouped for this project. Also, the students will add ten images that relate to the events in their timeline. The timeline should be properly spaced and the gaps between time should be consistent. The timeline should be neatly constructed. All the events should be legible and provides sufficient text.

Here is an example of a timeline project in History. This timeline is about the Great Awakening.


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