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3D Map

Instruction: Construct a 3-D map of a space of your choosing.

The following elements need to be present in the  completed project:
3D Map with a label describing the place you are depicting
A compass demonstrating the correct directional orientation of the map 
A 3D Key. You do not have to put everything in the key, just what you would consider the main landmarks 
The Scale of the map

This is an example of my 3D project. For this project, I used a variety of materials such us colored play dough, pebbles, papers, paper boxes, colored papers, ready-made trees and moss.


Integration: This concept can be use in teaching 
Math (measurement, direction, orientation, distance, elevation, etc.) 
History (historical place,historical events, landmarks

View some of the works of my 4th Grade students: "Our Neighborhood" Project S.Y. 2014-2015


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