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European Explorers in Texas

UNIT 3: Life in Early Texas
Students will examine the concepts of the culture, exploration, and settlement as reflected in early Texas history.

PART 2: European exploration and settlement of Texas
Students will look at the European exploration and settlers in Texas.

TEKS    SS.4.02B Identify the accomplishments and explain the impact of significant explorers, including Cabeza de Vaca; Francisco Coronado; and René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle, on the settlement of Texas.

Process Standards   S.4.22A Use social studies terminology correctly.  

Lesson Objectives:

Students should be able to identify the accomplishments of  European exploration and settlement of Texas.

Students should be able to tell the life of some European explorers in Texas and explain their impact.

 Learning Target:

        I can identify the accomplishment of significant explorers of Texas.

        To be able to do this, I must learn and understand exploration, expedition, and some European explorers.

         I will show I can do this by identifying accomplishments of significant explorers in Texas.

Class activities (We do)
·   Ask students: Why is it helpful to know about a person’s life both before and after that person attempted a goal?
·   Allow students to discuss and share ideas.
Class sharing and Reflection) (We do)
Think-Pair-Share Activity (We do)

1.  Each group will be assigned to read biography of Francisco Vasquez De Coronado, Cabeza De Vaca,  René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle. 
2.  Students will create a Facebook Page for the European Explorer he or she has chosen.

Teacher (I Do):

·       View the power point slide presentation with students and have a class discussion about each slide on European exploration (Francisco Vasquez De Coronado, Cabeza De Vaca,  René Robert Cavelier, and  Sieur de la Salle) in Texas.


Class activities (We do)
·     Class will create a big anchor chart (a big ship) and will organize the different European explorers on it. 
-   Students will do gallery walk. 


Independent Practice (you do)
·     Journal entry
·     Answer exit ticket
Quick Check

The teacher will observe the students and perform quick check during classroom discussions and activities.


·   Identify student’s needs as observed.
·   Use kinesthetic support; use visual and graphic organizers; scaffold or pair up with another student/small group.

Sample of students' work:


  1. I love this assignment! Where can I get the links to the handouts and ppt that you use?

    Thank you,
    Kim Jackson

  2. Hi, I like this idea, where can I get a ppt and handout that you used?
    Thank you,
    Ismelda Hernandez

  3. Hi, I came across this on pinterest and love the idea! Would it be possible to get a copy of the ppt and handout you used? Thank you,

    Leslie Hicks


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